Hello, Horny Readers! You cuckolds have been on My mind again. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about the cuckold cocktail, the effects of which are more acute for some of you when your wife goes elsewhere to enjoy strange cock. I decided that I want you to think of Me as your cuck sitter, available to you to keep you busy while your wife gets busy with her bull!

I can either keep you distracted if you’re experiencing a bit more anxiety than arousal, or keep you focused and fantasizing about the sights and sounds that are no doubt occurring in your wife’s love nest. There aren’t a whole lot of things you get to control anymore now that a better man than you is deep-dicking your wife, but at least I’ll let you choose between the above!

As your cuck sitter, I’ll help you complete your assignments!

Does your cuckold relationship include tasks or exercises your wife expects you to do while she’s away?

Perhaps she expects you to stay locked in chastity until she returns to masturbate you and tell you just how much she enjoyed herself. I expect she’d take the key with her, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need support as your mind wanders and your cage tightens.

Perhaps you’re expected to complete some chores in order to earn your cream pie dessert. I’ll keep you honest, and on task, when it gets tempting to do some unauthorized stroking!

Maybe she’s said you’re allowed to edge, but not to cum. You’ll need some support with that as well no doubt!

I’m a cuck sitter with an excellent imagination!

Everyone knows that a good sitter will be good at telling stories. If you’ve got free reign to stroke and squirt to your hearts’ content while imagining what your wife is getting up to, or what may be in the future of your cuckold relationship, W/e can simply fantasize together! It might even be helpful to work through the different possibilities, even if your wife hasn’t been specific about how things may change, so that you’re ready for anything your special agape love may require!

Will she eventually want to be able to invite her lover into your joint home for their rendezvous? Let’s talk about how you can impress upon both him and her that her bull is not just welcome, but appreciated!

Will she eventually want you in the same room, watching? Let’s talk about what that could lead to!

Perhaps you’ll never meet her stud cocks, but the relationship between the two of you might change, both inside of the bedroom and out. Your cuck sitter is experienced with shepherding cuckolds through all kinds of wrinkles and changes in the cuckold relationship, so I’m prepared, to help you prepare! Better to know what could happen, and never have it come to pass, than to be unprepared and let your wife’s expectations catch you off guard!

In short, cuckold husband, when your wife is away, you and I can play!

Arrange for your cuck sitter today!


Miss Rachel


P.S.: If you’d like to listen to Me read this post, feel free to press play below!