Hello Horny Readers! Â Eating cum isn’t easy for many who aspire to it, or whose Mistresses demand it. Usually there are ways around almost any level of reluctance, as long as the basic desire to obey is there. Sometimes the effective method to deal with resistance is external; Coerced cum eating is a popular kink, but also practically the only way some aspirants will ever follow through. There is often, however, a key to compliance that comes from within the cum eater themselves. I was gratified to find this trigger for a playmate to whom I spoke today: Sissy Brooke.
Sissy Brooke wants to be the best sissy s/he can be, which is true for a lot of sissies. He/r ultimate dream is to be a fully feminized sissy housewife for a fit Alpha male a bit older than he/rself. S/he wants to be soft and pretty for him, and keep a lovely home. S/he wants to cook him delicious, healthful meals and have them waiting for him when he comes in from work. S/he wants to run errands during the day in yoga pants and a ponytail, and stop by the gym to put in the effort that keeps he/r body inspiring to him. S/he wants romance as well.
Part of he/r sissification process has involved encouraging he/r to eat he/r own cum, either because the humiliation of doing so is an auxiliary point of arousal for he/r, deepens he/r sense of submission, or is perhaps the price s/he pays for being allowed to cum at all. I’m not really sure which, because the primary part of he/r sissification journey has been under the tutelage of another Mistress. But s/he has shared with Me that eating he/r cum is not something s/he enjoys, and that getting he/r to comply has been difficult.
In past calls we’ve done together, I’ve suggested that s/he try the legs-over-the-head method, since s/he’s flexible enough to do it with a bit of practice. This, as others I’ve coached in eating cum can attest, puts the moment of orgasm and the moment of consumption at pretty much the same time, and takes out of the equation the tendency of the cum eater to lose motivation once they’ve lost their erection. But this time, when s/he talked about wanting a husband (something I don’t recall he/r having mentioned before), a light bulb went off in My head.
“Brooke,” I said, “Part of taking care of a husband is seeing to his sexual needs, is it not?”Â
S/he admitted that it was.
“Well your husband is likely to want you to suck his cock on a fairly regular basis, and if he’s like the majority of men I’ve encountered, he will be disappointed if you take his cock out of your mouth at the moment of his greatest pleasure. And it will probably hurt his feelings if you spit out his load afterwards, even if you take it in your mouth. You want to be a good cocksucker for your husband, don’t you?”
Of course s/he does! It seemed at this point that a light bulb went off in Brooke’s head as well!
“So, why not start fantasizing that when you are squirting into your own mouth, it’s actually your husband doing it? Â Close your eyes, and imagine the shuddering pleasure going through his body as you suck him to completion, and eating cum will become an erotic gesture of devotion rather than an odious task or a punishment.”
S/he really liked this idea, readers, and dare I say was even a little bit moved by it!
It’s always extremely satisfying when I can be party to a breakthrough like this for any subbie, no matter the roadblock that seems to be standing in their way or the kink it involves. But eating cum can be a more difficult nut to crack (pun not intended, but giggled at just the same), and maybe that’s why this was an especially savory victory.
OBEYING….is the key motivator. I recall when i was reluctant but, my desire to obey (and eating dozens of my loads as required by Mistress) got me to the point of not only enjoying it but being a cumslut! After all, if the only way your permitted to cum is if you at your load ….it makes it a MUCH more desirable thing! Now i crave not only my own….but that of real men!
Well for good little princesses like you it is, but some subbies have blocks that require a bit of creativity to get around. A lot of times, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. *giggle*
Mmmm thats sexy i would eat my cum for you and open my mouth showing you that cum obeying you waiting for your permission to swallow
I’ll hold you to that, Jesse!
My mouth is watering i want to please my mistress so bad i want you to wreck my relationship and force me to please you
LOL WHOAH! I can sense the erotic frenzy you’re in right through the screen! And enthusiasm is great, but I don’t want to be responsible for wrecking your relationship, how ever facetiously you may have meant that. lol I will, however, gladly coach you on being honest about your proclivities, and that might finish off your relationship all by itself. 🙂
I would so much enjoy a lover !
The prospects of having someone are very dim.
I would relish giving that someone oral. I have never had oral, and that won’t happen either!
If I could find someone to love, I would give them oral love as well. I would definitely swish, enjoy and finally swallow the love juices…..happily and with dedication!
Thank you so much!
I’m so glad you were encouraged by this post, and I hope you turn out to be wrong about finding a nice cock to pour your devotion into!