Hello, Horny Readers! If you have a small penis, is it a pin dick, a chode, or somewhere in between? Do you know the difference? And in the end, does it matter?
Let’s find out!
The end of Masturbation May approaches, and as usual, little dicks are the last to be considered!
I’m kidding, of course (kind of), but I’m finally getting around to exploring an idea: Are all small penises the same?
I say no. On one end of the spectrum are pin dicks, and on the other, chodes. While both are pathetic, each is unique in its capacity to disappoint!
So let’s define them for the record, and maybe see whether or not W/e can conclude if one is more unfortunate than the other, shall W/e?
What is a chode?
The definition according to My small penis classification system is, any male appendage under 5.5 inches in length, and somewhere around 5 inches in girth. In short, a chode is short but fat. Many men with a chode comfort themselves with the theory (mostly propagated by charitable women, I admit) that girth is more important than length. I somewhat agree, but there are limits to My acquiescence.
A chode may make a woman feel opened wide, but it still falls short, literally, in terms of providing that filled-up feeling. It’s like, you may get the initial surge of pleasure, but then you’re left frustrated and waiting for deeper penetration. It’s a bait-and-switch! Playing with My pussy’s emotions!
And She doesn’t take kindly to it!
I do the teasing around here, thank you very much!
Also, over a certain girth, most women find a chode uncomfortable. Part of your pussy is stretched, and then is forced to collapse around the empty space sans dick above the head of the chode!
Imagine sitting on a soup can, and you’ll understand what I mean.
Well, on second thought, some of you butt sluts might like that.
But the terrain of the sacred Yoni and the dignity of womankind usually requires less asymmetrical dimensions.
Further, a chode, as hinted at above, seems to have improperly emboldened a whole swath of men. They deny that they have a small penis, because they have a sometimes impressive girth.
Don’t say you have a big dick and then pull out something that looks like a butt plug!
Lies! *giggle*
What is a pin dick?
Are you hung like a lipstick?
Go grab a tube of it, if you have access, or a lip balm, or even a bic lighter and hold it up next to your junk. If they look at all similar, you, My friend, have a pin dick!
The length of a pin dick is usually similar to that of a chode. But in My book, if it’s too thin, even 7″ can be a disappointment! You are equally as deceptive as Mr. Chode if you tell a woman you have a big dick and pull out something that looks like the handle of a mixing spoon!
A true pin dick, however, is both short and thin. 5.5 inches or under, and 3-ish inches in circumference. Usually I simply call them clitori.
After I’m done shuddering, that is.
Like the chode, charitable women have been known to say that it’s excellent for clitoral stimulation. They pretend that simply having something the size of a bullet vibrator rubbing up and down against their own clit is delightful.
Yeah, okay.
A pin dick would never get anywhere near My vagina, so I wouldn’t know.
So which one is worse?
Is it the one you don’t feel enough of, or the one you can’t feel at all? On one hand, one is frustrating, and the other is a waste of My time.
Which one would disappoint Me more in the case of false advertising? Probably the pin dick. Because let’s face it, the pin dick is a total lie, length AND width-wise.
Which one looks the most ridiculous perched on top of normal-sized balls when you get naked? The pin dick.
At least with a chode, I would be able to enjoy a few moments of blissful delusion that perhaps it’s a grower and not a shower.
Which one can be compensated for, and which one should simply be locked away in chastity and forgotten about?
But, I’d settle for long sessions of humiliating tease and denial!
So, whip out your measuring tape, and reveal your diagnosis in the comments.
Do you have a pin dick, or a chode?
Goddess Rachel, Small Penis Warden
Goddess Rachel…I was just about to jump up and get the measuring tape when I remembered I am locked away in my little pink cage!?
I am pretty sure of the results but want to be accurate.
Can I get back to you on this?
(Mistress Erika would probably have a better idea of when that would be!)
*giggle* I will await your (or Mistress Erika’s) assessment, little peg!
Something tells Me either way that whichever the technical category into which your little nubbin falls, it’s where it belongs–caged!
LOL Oh peg! We all know how my little peg between those legs measure up! But for GOOD Measure, ensure a measuring tape on our next call, then you’ll be ordered back here for an update!
Ooh goodie! Did you note that, little peg? I will be looking forward to a public report, on command of your Mistress Erika! *giggle*
(Thanks for stopping by, Mistress Erika!)
Yes Goddess Rachel. I will provide this information to you as per Mistress Erika’s orders!
Good little peg!
Hi Goddess Rachel….
I do have a report.
It’s even more embarrassing than you could imagine!?
Or perhaps not.
Boy…this has been a long time coming.
Not that I’d know about that!?
Well don’t stand on ceremony, little peg! Spill the beans! *holding back laughter*
Yes Mistress Erika.
Pindick. Definitely worse in terms of False Advertising, especially against the overcompensating background of a tall, handsome, muscular physique, as well as humor, intelligence and success. Unless, of course, you get off on that kind of thing – then it is FUCKING AWESOME. Though perhaps not as frustrating and rare as the tuna can willy seen once in a blue moon.
Great observations, Acorn! I almost feel bad for those with the pin dick who futilely think they can compensate for it with all of those other attributes you mention. They’re really trying hard to maximize their potential, but the truth is, that big dick will still be missed!
So frustrating yet so arousing. I often think of a scenario where such a man would lay beneath a woman and make love to her while a man with an Alpha Cock but lacking in all the other attributes penetrates her from behind, One can only dream.
oh oh oh im even smaller, twirlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
A little pink acorn!
Or perhaps a foxing scenario with the dominant Woman in the missionary Amazon position – all the while staring such a man down and verbally contemplating who she should inform that Mr. Alpha in the streets is a beta in the sheets and has to wear a strap on in the bedroom.
Ohhhh the missionary Amazon position with foxing! I love it!
Imagine the Amazon position where the female partner then reaches back and inserts a toy into the bottom boi’s ass!
Foxing and the Amazon position go together like peanut butter and chocolate. If not for this blog post, the world may have never known.
Well since it involves foxing, to which YOU introduced ME, you are more responsible for the global edification than I am! *giggle* All hail Acorn!
One does not steal thunder from Supreme Empress Rachel without explicit permission.
Consider yourself called forth to stand before the throne and be knighted! lol
Knighting – sounds like an official ceremony where a worthy pindick receives a sounding with a little pink sandwich sword
LOL! Brilliant!
i’m not even sure i qualify to be called a ‘pin dick’ …it’s clearly more of a ‘clit’….but regardless of what label you wish to give it, i know it is unworhty of ANY woman’s pussy and as a consequence i pledge to live a ‘pussy free’ life….so as not to disappoint any woman ever again sexually
Good gurl, prissy!
(How about pin clit?)
Wow Miss Rachel, This is a very interesting post. I never heard of the word chode before but i am way to small to be a chode. Also way to small to be a pin dick. I am only 3 inches long and barely 2 inches wide.
Hi there, slave!
I’m glad you enjoyed the post and found it edifying!
I think in your case, W/e’d just call that a clitty! *giggle*
Miss Rachel,
You know from our calls that I have, what I call, a “pencil dick”. This seems to be the same as what you refer to as “pin dick” in your blog. Yes — I have a PIN DICK and that is why I know I could not satisfy my wife (or any other woman).
I know I need to call you again soon. Looking forward to it.
Hugs & kisses,
Hi Cindy! I would have called it a pussy stick or a clitty, but okay! *giggle*
Hello Goddess Rachel. This is little peg. As we were discussing earlier i have a much more humiliating event to report than the embarrassing measurement of Mistress Erika’s “little peanut”.
With her permission i will share the results of her last assignment to me.
I had amassed over 700 hours in chastity and panty time over 47 days and my task was.
Select three “sissy’ themed images from my collection.
I was to stroke 20 times to the first image, then onto the next for 20 more and finally, 20 strokes to the third.
The goal was a ruined orgasm (love,love love them!) and if one was not achieved by the 60th stroke, stop and lock up.
Below is a recap of my efforts.
Oh Mistress Erika what I’m going to relate is soooo humiliating….even for me?
Your little peanut was so tiny and soft.
My toy was pulsating away as I pressed on the plunger of the Aveeno cream.
20 strokes and then the next image…that’s the rules!
Here we go.
Slowly…1 2 3 4….Peanut is still very soft.
5 6 7 8….oh I wish I was that sissy. Look at all that pink satin and frills. I want to wear this!
9 10 11 12….peanut has barely stirred but even stroking your soft little property feels wonderful!
13 14 15 16….one more…17…..STOP! STOP!
Removing my hand and immediately my sissy tribute begins streaming out of my limp little clitty! (A substantial offering!??)
So pathetic that not only have I had my amazing RO in LESS than 20 strokes on my first image, but I remained completely flaccid from start to finish!
How much fun is that for Mistress?! It was for me!??
I only wish I could have shared it with you on cam!
Everything is back in its place…your peanut is in its cage, covered up with panties and my new thrusting heartthrob….(it IS bigger than me!??) is safely stowed til next time.
Hope you got a giggle out of my dribble for you Mistress Erika?. Thank you for another RO!?.
Hope you have enjoyed this Goddess Rachel. Mistress Erika told me she would be proud of me for sharing.
That was amazing!
?? Goddess Rachel I am so glad you enjoyed this! What fun!