by Rachel | Jan 14, 2019 | erotic audios, oral servitude
The brand new audio I’ve just released to the audio store, that is! Those of you who know Me well, either phone playmates or long-time blog readers, have heard/read many times that it’s not a good idea to call Me if oral servitude or any type of body...
by Rachel | Apr 2, 2017 | oral servitude, strap on sex
Hello, Horny Readers! Sorry I’m a day or so late in sharing part 2 of gemsissy’s story, but I trust you’ll find it worth the wait! I guess I’ve included a bit of a spoiler in the title, but the way gemsissy describes the strapon slut antics has...
by Rachel | Mar 31, 2017 | Femdom, oral servitude
Hello, Horny Readers! Those of you who have read My blog for a while are well aware that I am a fan of erotic storytelling. I love to recount some of My own hot adventures, and in sessions and audios, I love to spin femdom fantasy tales for all of you. I’ve...
by Rachel | Nov 13, 2016 | cream pies, oral servitude
Hello, Horny Readers! In your kink life, do you ever find that one thing in a scene especially arouses or moves you, even if it’s something you’ve done or had done to you a million times before? We’ve got 11 (somewhat) male slaves in Our stable,...
by Rachel | Nov 7, 2016 | oral servitude, Queening
Hello, Horny Readers! So, while I was convalescing, Adam spent a lot of time at His condo across town, getting it ready for the sub-letters. Usually I’d help Him, but since I was out of commission, there was more work to do. One afternoon, I knew I was...
by Rachel | Feb 24, 2016 | oral servitude, tease and denial
I don’t know what’s wrong with Me lately. Maybe it’s the onset of Spring, and the sex withdrawal symptoms that get especially acute as the time draws nearer for Adam to come back to town, but I am insanely horny right now! I have almost always...
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